February 23, 2024

Following in the footsteps of the Piceno tradition - on April 7, 2024 at 11:15 AM.

On April 7, 2024, at 11:15 AM, we will host the second event of the cultural program "Dalla vigna alla tavola" (from the Vineyard to the Table), titled "In the Footsteps of the Piceno Tradition," in collaboration with "Degusta e Decanta" the itinerary that starts with a walk through our old vineyards with Dr. Rita Forlini, a local historian, who will share stories and anecdotes related to sharecropping and the Piceno peasant tradition. Francesco Casagrande will also entertain the audience with poems and dialectal verses.

Sulle orme della tradizione Picena – 7 Aprile ’24

Following will be a gastronomic journey featuring dishes from the local peasant tradition, curated by chef Massimo Polidori, paired with our organic wines.

The cost is 45 euros per person and seats are limited, reservations are required.

degustazione vini bio con vista
+39 3534195388 - info@vignetivallorani.com